Why you should go see Roger Waters this summer.

Roger Waters is ,without a doubt, one of the most influential musicians the western world has ever seen. As one of the two remaining original members of English psychedelic rock band, Pink Floyd, Rogers has been part of the creative process for some of the most influential songs of the 20th century such as “…

Not For The Fame

John T. Sofo is a 24-year- old, freelance audio engineer. When I canvassed for a subject, he was one of the first to volunteer, and so for this week, I will be presenting to you, the thoughts and experiences of someone that not only makes it possible for other musicians to musically express themselves ,…

The British Blues Scene of the 1960s

After World War II , England was left with holes in its structures. The shell shock from countless bombings didn’t only send ripples through the waters and lives of the English, but also through their streams of consciousness. A crater, regardless of its creator, can sprout life and wonder from whatever vital elements collect at…

Heart Full of Soul: A close analysis

The Yardbirds provided us with some of the best guitarists that the common man knows of. Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, and Jeff Beck all paid their dues in the yardbirds line up. What draws most people to engage with and enjoy this band would of course be the creativity and the innovation of this band….

Seventies Selections Playlist

Bell bottoms, platform shoes, Gunne sax, rock star groupies, groovy afros, and All in the Family are all defining qualities of the decade that represents freedom and people pushing the boundaries. These characteristics were not only in fashion and behavior, but they were also in the music of the era. So, I’ve curated a playlist…

Dead&Company 6/25/16

It can be hard for a band to lose its lead singer, but can be even harder to find someone to fill that spot if it so happens that the band wants to come back together and play music again. The Dead has lost one of the most influential musicians in the world, but was…

Psychedlic Selections: “Cheap Thrills”

Known for their association with the soul scorching female lead Janis Joplin, Big Brother & The Holding Company released their second album titled “Cheap Thrills” nearly 50 years ago, gaining popularity after  Joplin’s raw, impassioned performance with the band at the Monterey Pop Festival    in 1967. The band was one of the many driving forces…

Bob Weir’s “Blue Mountain”

Known mostly for his role as the rhythm guitarist for perhaps one of the greatest psychedelic rock bands of all time, Bob Weir has set out to redefine himself with another great solo album. His first in over 10 years, Blue Mountain is an album that everyone can enjoy. Though filled with many modern touches,…